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M., a teen in Milan, Italy

“The streets of my neighborhood are completely deserted, but every evening someone plays music from their balcony and everybody sings to it! I love how we Italians always manage to be loud!!”

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J.C., 54, an engineer in San Jose, CA

낵가 코로나에 감염되었을 경우, 나 만이 아닌 나와 가장 가까이 있는 사랑하는 이들이 그로 인해 죽음에 이르는 엄청남 고통을 겪게 된다는 것은 생각만으로도, 감당하기 어려운 감정의 분열과 자괴감을 느끼게 할 것이다. 참 잔인한 바이러스다. 그러나 벌써 우리에게 왔고 앞으로 같이 살아가야 할 것같다. 코로나나 한 잔 해야겠다.

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E.A., 18, a student and freelance author in Menifee, CA

“Now, as a pandemic ravages the country my parents had so much faith in, they cannot face continuing to live among citizens who don’t care about other people enough to wear a simple cloth over their nose and mouth—continuing to pay a hard-earned income to a military state—continuing to subscribe to the myth of the model minority and “keep their heads down” for the sake of being model citizens.”

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M.S., 44, a poet and editor in Jersey City, NJ

“I still remember the afternoon of March 13, 2020, when I started following the official site of the New Jersey Coronavirus Dashboard and the number of cases started to climb up like mercury on a hot thermometer. I was anxious due to the fact that my nine-year-old was in the school playing and socializing with his peers with no fear and awareness about the pandemic. I requested the school for a day off […] my fears were realized when the mayor ordered a state lockdown the very next Monday.

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Z., 23, a student in Hiroshima, Japan

“每一天差不多醒着的时间都想跟妈妈开着视频,担心他们出门,担心他们感染,担心他们出现症状。[…] 1,2月份,我担心家人却只能靠视频确认他们是否安好。3,4月份,家人担心我也只能靠视频消减担忧。除了互通电话报个平安,我们能为彼此做的事情几乎没有。[…] 打发独处时间变成了一门艺术。 但似乎更多的是庆幸,还好我还活着,身边的人还活着。一切都还有变好的可能性。”

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Y.K., 50, a freelancer in Seoul, South Korea

“굳이 살면서 꼭 필요치 않는것은 사라지는듯 하다… 코로나는 정말 무서운 전염성을 가진 수많은 사람들의 생명을 빼앗아가는 무서운 바이러스 그건 어느 것보다 비교할수 없지만 고통속에서의 잠시 장점을 표현해보며 잠시 안도를 해본다.”

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S.S., 60, a high school teacher in San Marcos, CA

“…And just one commute away, I will be risking my life each and every day at my workplace. I will be a front-line worker, without the personal protective equipment afforded to medical workers, facing students who do not have to follow safety or cleanliness rules for most of the 24 hours in a day. Many of the families in my community believe in magical thinking, believe that God will protect them, and believe in the propaganda spouted every day from President Trump and his corrupted supporters in government and the media. I could not be more disgusted at this willful ignorance. It’s like a death cult…”

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A.T., 69, a company director in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

“…It’s only a “Gripezinha,” declared our totally irresponsible President to his 212,000,000,00 citizens. Luckily some had other ideas. […] The future? Is there one? Should we move to a small village away from everywhere? Will the government / military / whoever is in charge have enough clout to protect the inhabitants from strife and Plague bearers entering. I must think how to move this forward. I believe in staying put for the moment but the not so distant future must be considered…”

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Life in Quarantine: Witnessing Global Pandemic is an initiative sponsored by the Poetic Media Lab and the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis at Stanford University.

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